The Brimstone line of Award Winning Sauce and Seasoning was developed in 2012 and brought to market in 2013 in a partnership with CaJohn's Fiery Foods in Ohio. Aside from the unique and flavorful flavor profiles, another thing made the line stand out among the rest - all of the sauces and seasonings were also represented within the Brimstone and The Borderhounds comic book as well! This allowed fans of the comic to indulge in a submersive experience by using products straight off the pages, while non-comic readers experienced the culinary excellence of the product itself. The product line won an array of Awards including multiple categories in the prestigious Golden Chile Awards. At the 2013 Zestfest - Fiery Food Festival, they won 4 Awards including: 1st place for 'Brimstone: Lip Smack'in Raspberry Vodka Barbecue Sauce' (Barbecue Sauce: Alcohol Infused - Consumer Ready), 3rd place for 'Brimstone: Awesomesauce' Teriyaki Glaze (Barbecue Sauce: Asian Style - Consumer Ready), 1st place for 'Brimstone: Sweet Heat Treat' (Condiments: Asian/Stir Fry Sauce - Consumer Ready) and the high honor of Best Condiment 2013 for 'Brimstone: Sweet Heat Treat'. Another couple of notable Awards include two big wins via Chile Pepper Magazine's 2013 New Orleans event - 1st place for 'Brimstone; Sweet Heat Treat' Sweet Chile Hot Sauce (Best Asian Sauce) & 1st place for 'Brimstone: Drizzle' Cherry Chocolate Finishing Sauce (Best Dessert Sauce / Mild/Medium).
CaJohn's manufactured and co-packed the products exclusively for Brimstone until early 2017 - as the founder, John Hard was beginning to prepare the business for the eventual sale to Hot Shots Distributing.
Brim put expanding the product-line on a brief hiatus while seeking the proper home for his branded merchandise. In early 2020, he announced he'd be bringing his best selling items back to life through Torchbearer Sauces out of Pennsylvania; as well as releasing an ALL NEW co-branded Ultra-Hot Sauce in conjunction with Torchbearer named, 'Torched Stone Thai' which they developed in tandem. Due to the success of the new sauce - more collaborations will surely follow.
A Sweet & Spicy Collaboration between Brimstone, his son Dylan and Torchbearer Sauces.
To watch industry reviews of Torched Stone Thai - Please click HERE!!!

Sweet Heat Treat - Quite arguably the most popular product in the line. Sweet Heat Treat is an exquisite Sweet Chile Hot Sauce that will tickle your taste buds and spice up any bland life! Sweet; but not too hot - just enough to let you know that it's there.

Necrocide - The first Ultra-Hot sauce in the collection, Necrocide is about 6.5 million on the Scoville scale; however is not hot for the sake of being hot! Delicious bursts of sweet guava and papaya in the front with a slow building burn on the back end (before and after) courtesy of a secret pepper blend that will murder your tongue.

Drizzle - This bad boy is meant to do its namesake... drizzle it all over stuff and things! What is it you may ask? It's a cherry chocolate bourbon finishing sauce perfect for chicken and steak; or on top of a sundae for ridiculous flavor! Indulge in the best of both worlds - sweet and savory in a bottle.

Awesomesauce - There are many imitators who have been using the name; but this is the OG. The original - Accept no imitations! Awesomesauce is a sweet pineapple teriyaki glaze meant to raise the culinary bar. Sweet and spicy, with a balanced use of pineapple, red peppers and jalapenos.

Lip Smack'in BBQ Sauce - A beautifully blended raspberry vodka barbeque sauce that will blow your mind! Slather it on your ribs, drip some on a burger, dip your fries in it - whichever way you play... it'll 200% satisfy your quest to find salivation city and make you wanna slap your mama!

Cherry Bomb - YES! A cherry bourbon barbeque sauce where the tangy, sweet and chipotle combo explodes in your mouth! Slather it on some meat, lay it on the grill; or slide it in the oven for a mind-boggling savory meal.